This is an update of Body Talk's original first post from January of 2007; its message is still relevant! If you enjoy searching for your spiritual side, it will reward you with health, wellness, and abundance. Please enjoy these words.
The great Tao flows everywhere.
All things are born from it,
yet it doesn't create them.
It pours itself into its work,
yet it makes no claim.
It nourishes infinite worlds,
yet it doesn't hold on to them.
Since it is merged with all Things
and hidden in their hearts,
it can be called humble.
Since all things vanish into it
and it alone endures,
it can be called great.
It isn't aware of its greatness;
thus it is truly great.
(Tao 34)
Why Follow The Tao?
What then is the Tao and why should I follow it? You may be wondering. For centuries, seekers have been asking this same question. Its answer is as simple as its pages. The slim volume known as the Tao Te Ching, originally penned by Lao Tzu in ancient China over 25 centuries ago has been translated more than any other book but the Bible. It teaches us to follow our own organic flow in the cycles of nature.
Could it be that this simple concept is the way to peace and health? I happen to think so. What's more? For this journey, you will pack nothing. For the journey to the Tao will not take us "away." Our travels will take us to a much more important place, that of nature within ourselves.
I first learned of "Taoism" while taking a World Religions course as an undergraduate in college. Taoism had its own place in this study, yes. However, many Taoists can also be Christians, Buddhists or members of any other religious group. This because its message is universal: If we can learn to cooperate with the energies in and around us, we can gain health, peace, and balance of ourselves and our world. This is the journey I invite you to take along with me. It is my hope that I can return the favor: for after meeting the Tao - I've been allowing it to show me its way ever since. It's the gift that is endless. I want to share this gift with you.
How Does The Tao Work?
Although the Tao teaches us to look inside, the outward action is more authentic as a result. The way of the Tao teaches us to come from within in all of our daily activities. Here we find our inner rhythm, the music of our hearts and can then translate it into outward activity.
Tao Te Ching - Where Does The Title Come From?
According to the ancients, "Ching" is a sacred text. The Tao then has been known as "The Way" or a path of order, a tuning into the laws and the rhythms of nature. Te then means "virtue" or being authentically intuitive and compassionate in all that you do. Can you think of a better way to live?
According to author Diane Dreher in her book The Tao of Inner Peace, the Tao Te Ching is the path that leads from the heart. If you follow it, you are aligning yourself with the path of nature. This journeying inward can pay dividends on your health and well being. Life, when you learn to go within, will show you the way. Using the Tao, you can work with your own cycles and energy to create a healthy positive outward life. In the following weeks, I will show you how.
Taoist Affirmations:
Today I realize that my life is a process and I am an evolution.
My life and my health are perfectly wound within my DNA uncoiling each moment of each day when I follow my own intuition.
When I come from within, I never go without.
Perfect health is mine, as are abundance, love, and joy.
I know that I am an evolution, and each moment is sacred. I love and live in each moment knowing that all health, all life, and all joy happen now.
Laura M. Turner, journalist, author and Certified Natural Health Practitioner is the creator of the Body Talk eZine: Nature's Anti-Aging Treasures Website. She invites you to join her "10 Years Younger" Campaign and to learn more about living younger, healing yourself and those you love with quality retail or wholesale Young Living essential oils and essential oil-based products. Visit today and begin a healthier tomorrow.
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