This week I gave myself a new challenge: to stay in the moment; to live in the present each day. I tend to be futuristic in my thinking, always planning ahead, creating my next project in my head, planning my next move. It was a new way of thinking for me and it changed my approach to life, entirely. Here’s what I’ve learned:
Now Is The Only Moment You Have.
During the week, I made an effort to stay with what I was doing at each second of each day. If I was washing dishes or doing laundry, I would be with the dishes or the laundry. If I was working on my book project, I would simply be with that. In turn, I tended to make the most time for the things I enjoyed doing -- and letting go of or spending less time on those things that are time-wasting. It works. One of my favorite spiritual gurus, Dr. Wayne Dyer, offers this challenge to improve our lives by living in the present: 1.) Think consciously about your activities – what activities can you go without? 2.) Let go of menial tasks and instead spend time doing more activities that bring about enjoyment and fulfillment each day. Good lessons!
Decide Who You Want To Be And Then Change Your NOW Moments.
If you want to lose weight, for example, instead of planning ahead to how things will be next year or once you’ve lost the weight, plan how you can live your life in the day – what foods do you need to eat in the NOW that will support your body and who you want to be? Focus on who you are today and think about what you can do to expand and support your purpose. For me, I have a hard time approaching the task of writing my books – yet, I want to be an author. In the moment of NOW, I ask myself: What do authors do? Simple, they write. What can I do today – what small piece can I add to the bigger framework of being a writer? I can find one or two hours today to write. One word at a time, one moment at a time, the next the book begins to evolve – and so does my goal of being a writer. How does this idea apply to you?
Create Small Goals For The Day That Support Who You Want To Be.
This applies directly to my “be an author” example. It’s also applied to my “be a thinner version of yourself” example or anything else you’d care to create. The question becomes: What are the goals and efforts I can put into this day that will make me more at peace with who I am now? Finding peace in the NOW moment involves being happy with who you are already; loving yourself as you already are and finding peace with where you’re at. For this purpose, it’s important to realize that we already have everything we need. The universe can support us when we stay with who we are in the NOW, when we find peace in the day; when we take the time to give thanks for who we are, what we are, and where we are.
In conclusion, when focusing on the NOW, I’ve found that the right things have begun to line up for me. I have greater peace in my heart. I can appreciate where I am at the moment instead of wishing for tomorrow or longing for yesterday. We are here and the time is now. When you think it over the message comes through quite clearly – NOW is all we have. And in the words of Kalidasa: “Yesterday is but a dream, tomorrow is only a vision. But today well lived makes every yesterday a dream of happiness and every tomorrow a vision of hope.”
Talk To Me:
Is there something in your life that you’ve been wanting to change? Would you consider taking a week off from living futuristically to reflect on the now? I’d love to know. If you’d care to share, please leave a comment below. As always, thank you for reading and do consider sharing Body Talk with your friends.
Laura M. Turner, journalist, author and Certified Natural Health Practitioner is the creator of the Body Talk eZine: Nature's Anti-Aging Treasures Website. She invites you to join her "10 Years Younger" Campaign and to learn more about living younger, healing yourself and those you love with quality retail or wholesale Young Living essential oils and essential oil-based products. Visit today and begin a healthier tomorrow.
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